Friday, September 27

American Pro-Life Marchers Stage Sanctity of Life Campaigns

Anti-abortion activists poured out block-to-block in the United States of America this Sunday, October 2nd 2011 to commemorate the annual sanctity of life campaign.

For miles in the heartland states of Kansas and Missouri, most of the activists cutting across generations, from the young to the old, filed along major streets stretching for miles carrying expressive placards with effusive prayers that “God Forgive our Nation”; “Abortion is Killing Women”;  “I Regret my Abortion” and so on.

One of the campaigners, Ms Susan Boeln told that, based on false assurances that she would not suffer any trauma by the decision to abort her babies, she had two abortions which continues to be a matter of regret for her.

She singled out the Planned Parenthood Federation for contributing millions of American dollars “overseas to fund bloodshed”.

Ms. Boeln said that all forms of criminal acts and murder had taken place in order to beat legal loops over abortion. “In this country, parental signature is required to have tattoos; parental permission is required to have medical procedures. But criminal doctors have perfected all manners of fraud to get abortions at all cost. They forge papers to get what they want anyways”.

She said the May 2009 killing of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kanas, by anti-abortion activist Scot Roeder was murder, and that all legal means were being explored to atone for illegal foetus terminations.

“It is alright to have abortion” as it is the case in Nigeria, “only when the life of the mother is in danger. But in this country, somebody wants to have abortion in order to attend Rodeo or some meaningless events. And with the level of America’s sophistry in technology, the life of a mother would hardly come into danger in the process of having a baby. And when they say the child may not survive after birth, I say, it is better to have the child. If (the child) dies, it is better to have proper mourning instead of murder by abortion.

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