Saturday, September 28

The Strange Human Ritual Audu Abubakar Must Perform to Win in Kogi State.

The bubble has popped on an alleged ritualistic covenant that has claimed the lives of two wives of Action Congress of Nigeria governorship candidate in Kogi State, Mr. Abubakar Audu. Close associates of Abubakar Audu claimed that his two hitherto estranged wives, Lani Abubakar and his late second wife died after being taken to a sepulture to take a strange oath. sources disclosed that Abubakar, an unsatisfied two-term governor of Kogi, the confluence state where the rivers, Niger and Benue meet in Nigeria, is a proven bad case of a man who perpetuates tradional harmful practices against women. He, allegedly, often starts with his wives, wherever it is time for him to run for office or go for any major contract, by first throwing accusation of infidelity. But according to one of our sources, such a method is always the first step to make the woman get defensive and offer to swear on Audu’s later father’s grave, which has repeatedly proven fatal.

Sources who opted for anonymity in order to avoid reprisals from Audu’s hit squad said that the oath on the grave is the last deadly stage of human sacriice that the former governor has to perform in order to make his desperate vodoo political ambitions come through.

And whether by coincidence or by accident, he has accused his wife, Aisha Abubakar Audu, nee Emeje, of marital unfaithfulness and asked her come and swear on the same burial site that has claimed two lives. Mrs Aisha has refused to be violated like a woman who does not know her rights and the former governor, who is more of a liability than an asset to the ACN, has asked the woman to vacate their property in Maryland, United States of America. The same ploy was used in the case Audus two late wives. He first threatened them with eviction from his houses in London and in the United States. The fear of being homeless made the two dead women to bulk as they went swearing on Audu’s late father’s tomb, even as it was clear that they did not break their marital vows. Aisha Audu has refused to swear to any oath and close confidants believe that she has always been faithful to the ex-Governor. The ex-Governor has refused to grant her prayers for a peaceful divorce in court, thus reinforcing the speculation in town that Abubakar Audu is fetish. The feuding couple has now become frontline governorship gladiators in Kogi State and the race does not look to good for Mr. Audu who has been accused of bribing the leadership of ACN to grab the party’s nomination.

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