Tuesday, September 24

We Derive Joy in Killing People – Boko Haram

The leader of the Boko Haram terror group, Jahamatul Imam Shekau, in a fresh audio message has stated that the sect’s members derive joy from killing people because, according to him, their faith supports such killings.

The leader, who spoke in Hausa, Arabic and English language respectively, claimed responsibility for various attacks in Kano and some other parts of the Northern Nigeria, promising more attacks.

“We derive joy in killing people just like we derive joy in slaughtering hens and rams. We believe so much in these killings which we think is legitimate no matter what anybody thinks.”

He added that both the security agencies and President Goodluck Jonathan are liars who have been feeding members of the public with different lies.

Accusing the security agencies in Kano of carrying out the recent Kano massacre exonerated the sect from the killings.

“Let me tell you for example; we had bombed our targets in Kano State and left before the security agents arrived. It was when they arrived that they began to kill innocent people gathered at the scene.”

Confirming the belief in many quarters that some of them are literate in the English language, the leader spoke fluent English for few minutes, cursing the western nations for what he described as their attempt to annihilate Islam.

On Kano Massacre

It was after God had given us successful outings in Kano that the security agents came and started killing innocent people. There was even a man who saw a gun on the road and he took it to police station. By the time he gave them he handed the gun to them they shot the man immediately calling him our member.

“Most killings going on in Kano is the handwork of security agencies that are arresting our
women and children. But one thing they have forgotten is that we would rather die than abandon our cause. The people we are killing are the security agencies and the Christians who have also killed our brothers and sisters in some parts of the country.”

On President Goodluck Jonathan and America

“Jonathan is not our President and no matter what he and his American friends are scheming, we would always be above them. They think that by killing us, they will put an end to our operation but they are dead wrong. When they killed our Leader, Muhammed Yusuf and even Osama Bin Laden who are martyrs in our cause, we even become stronger because we are fighting for Allah and his prophet. Look at what they did to our brothers in Iraq and Afghanistan. After killing them, they urinated on their bodies. We would not forgive them for all these injustices. The only solution is for Jonathan to resign from office because we cannot accept a Christian Leader as a President.

Promising More Attacks
“We have seen how they have been attacking some Muslim schools. But we are using this medium to tell them that we would not hesitate to start bombing even universities in the country because we do not believe in western education. Attacking Muslim schools means that they are looking for fresh bombings in the nations tertiary institutions.”

On Criticism by Muslim Clerics

“We want them to know that we are aware of their antics. And no matter what they preach against us, we remained unperturbed by their criticisms of our actions. Our actions are being guided by the Holy
Quran and whatever they are saying is for them alone. No amount of criticisms from them can deter us from our cause. We are not responsible to anybody except our creator.”

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