Monday, September 23

Anambra Communities under Siege of Deadly Armed-Robbers

RAMPAGING gunmen in the south-eastern state of Anambra have continued with deadly attacks that include raids of police stations and theft of arms and ammunition, leaving no less than eight police officers dead so far.

The raids have been on since Tuesday, threatening the peace of Anambra communities that has left residents worried about their general safety. Three officers were initially killed in an attack on their patrol team at Oraifite Ekwusigo and later at Nnewi South, where 14 AK-47 assault rifles were stolen, according to residents of the area.

Representative Chris Asubogu, whose federal constituency was affected by the criminal attacks has said that residents now live in fear, worried about how long the lawlessness will continue before it is stemmed.

“Our people have become refugees in their homes and they now live in fear and are scared of where the next attack would come through,” he lamented, saying thatThe Nnewi business community has been deserted and our federal constituency is now like a ghost town.”

Witnesses have blamed the attack on dare-devil armed robbers who overpower law maintenance personnel, even as the criminals staged another attack at Ukpor Divisional Police station on Thursday, in which three police officers lost their lives.


The police authorities have unfortunately remained mum in the face of these growing criminal attacks, at a time when the communities need some form of reassurance for their safety from law enforcement. The state government also has not said anything about the development.


Both the state Commissioner of Police, Bala Nassarawa, and the spokesperson of the police, Mr. Emeka Chukwuemeka, have remained out of reach of the press.

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