Sunday, September 22

Slug: Akeredolu’s 30,000 Jobs Offer ruse to raise campaign fund- Mimiko Campaign Organisation

The candidate of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), in the October 20, governorship election in Ondo State, Mr Rotimi Akeredolu, SAN, was on Wednesday berated for surreptitiously trying to raise funds for his campaign activities through the phantom offer of 30,000 jobs.

The Mimiko Campaign Organisation which made this assertion described Akeredolu`s offer of the fabled 30,000 jobs within 100 days in office, if elected, as not only a sweeping statement but a Greek gift meant to raise funds for his campaign from unsuspecting people of the State who are now being asked to collect registration forms at the rate of N1000 each.

In a release issued by the Campaign Organisation by its Director of Publicity and Media Relations, Mr Kolawole Olabisi, it lashed at Akeredolu for playing to the gallery and for attempting to hoodwink
the people of the State over what he knows was mere puff and invitation to treat.

For a close watcher of unfolding events in Ondo State in the last couple of months, it is crystal clear that mischief is afoot by the ACN flag bearer. First, it is obvious that he never realised the enormity of the position for which he sought to contest and this is clear from the fact that up till the last moment, he couldn’t even perfect his nomination papers. And when it dawned on him that this was not a child’s play, he decided to play a fast one on the unsuspecting people of the State to raise funds for his campaign under veiled guise.

Pray, we want to ask Akeredolu that rather make a generalized statement, he should tell the people of Ondo State the following: the job description and the manning requirements for each position he
intends to fill? The categories of the officers to be recruited as contained in the budget and or the schemes of service for such position? The sectorial breakdown of the positions to be filled? The current staff strength of the public service? The monthly revenue projection to carry the new wage bill? The proposed capital to recurrent mix of just 30 out of the 100 days?

“These are simple economic questions that must be well thought out before one can make sweeping but obviously political statements to fool the people as Akeredolu obviously did with his poisoned chalice
of a phantom 30,000 jobs Again, does he want to give brooms, hoes, cutlasses and rakes to our people like one of his patrons in a neighbouring state did before the youths became wise and abandoned the
menial tasks with its paltry N10, 000 per month? God forbid the day this will happen on Ondo State! And, let us warn our workers that should Akeredolu be elected, God forbid, he intends to retrench a
sizeable number of the existing those of them who have served for 10 years and above thus plunging many into the unemployment market,” the Organisation stated.

It further noted that the whole scenario of asking people to come buy registration forms was not only a fraud but a daylight robbery and criminal in nature as it was obvious that Akeredolu needed funds for
his campaign and the only way to do this was to hoodwink the people with this offer of Greek gift and then scram back to his Ibadan base once he had lost thus not losing much in the entire process since he
would used masses.

“If Akeredolu wants to raise money, he should tell the whole world and under the law which we hopes he is still aware of, he is entitled to raise funds for his campaign. He should solicit for money from his
friends and political allies rather than robbing Peter (the poor masses) to pay Paul,” it added.


Salami: National Assembly won’t Support Perjurer – SW PDP tells CAN—slideshow4

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the Southwest has described call by the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) for the National Assembly’s intervention in the reinstatement of the suspended President Court of Appeal (PCA), Justice Isa Ayo Salami as not only preposterous but criminal, saying; “No responsible institution will risk its reputation for a judge, who committed perjury, an offence that attracts 14 years jail term.”

PDP Zonal Publicity Secretary, Hon. Kayode Babade, who reacted to the ACN statement in a release issued today, said; the ACN was aware of the pendency of not less than five court cases on Salami’s suspension, including the one instituted by Justice Salami himself but was only living up to its hypocritical self by asking the National Assembly to compel the president to over-reach the court.

The party said instead of prevailing on President Jonathan to reinstate Justice Salami, the National Assembly should rather lend its voice to the call for the prosecution of Justice Salami for perjury because involvement of a liar in the administration of justice is a direct invitation to anarchy.

“This is one of the reasons we say these ACN people are incurable hypocrites.

“As at today, there are two recommendations of the National Judicial Council (NJC) on Justice Salami. One was for him to be retired and the other that he be reinstated. The one asking Mr. President to retire him was made last year and the suspended PCA could not be retired because of the case he filed, challenging the recommendation. That case is still pending as at today.

“Again, the NJC report stating that Justice Salami lied on oath, thereby committing perjury is still a subject of various court actions, and no sane individual or organisation would take up the defence a man, who lied on oath not to even talk of a whole Court of Appeal President.

“It is therefore our advise that the ACN and its town criers should come out clearly and tell Nigerians what their interest is in the Justice Salami issue? Why is it that
they are the ones defending the suspended judge, organising protests
and mobilising media support for him?

“Are they not indirectly confirming that Justice Salami actually sold Ekiti and Osun States to the ACN and the party is now paying him back by standing by him during his travails? More so that the travails was occasioned by the ignoble role he played on the two controversial judgments?

“Therefore, it is our call to the National Assembly that it should assist in the cleansing of our judiciary of liars like Justice Salami by making sure that he (Salami) is tried for perjury and sanctioned in accordance with the laws of the land,” PDP said.

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