Saturday, September 21

‘Lack of Maintenance’ Cited as Court Dissolves 6-Yr Old Marriage

FOR Shade and Kudus Jimoh, their six-year old marriage came to an end on Thursday after an Ilorin court

heard the plea by Shade that the marriage be terminated.


Shade Kudus, 37, cited “lack of maintenance” as the reason for her suit.

Shade, 37, a resident of Amilegbe area, Ilorin, prayed the court to dissolve her marriage to Kudus for his failure to take care of the family.

A resident of the Amilegbe community in Ilorin, Kwara state, Shade told the court that her husband had neglected his responsibilities as a husband since they married in 2007.

”Since my husband does not care for our welfare, I have been the only one sourcing for the family’s needs,” she said.

She told the court that her husband preferred spending for persons outside his family to members of his nuclear family.

According to her, the marriage was contracted in 2007 and has produced three children, Isiaka, Fausat, and Yinuza.

”My Lord, I want an end to this marriage because I am fed up with my husband’s ‘I-don’t-care attitude he is showing to his family,” she said.

The respondent, who did not object to the prayer of his wife, urged the court to grant the prayer of his wife without delay.

”My wife has been looking for excuses to quit this marriage for long, which she finally achieves today,” he said.

Judge Mr. Ibrahim Abdulquadri dissolved the marriage and issued a certificate of divorce to the petitioner.

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