Monday, September 30

Chinese Mom Buys $6.5M Future College Apartment for Toddler

A mom in China plunked down $6.5 million on an apartment in one of the swankiest buildings in New York  for her 2-year-old.

She hopes her child will live in Midtown’s not-yet-opened One57 building when the child goes to college, the broker told China’s state media yesterday.

“We’re running around the city looking up things, and I finally said, ‘Well, why exactly are you buying?’ And she said that it had to do with her daughter was either going to go to Columbia or NYU. Maybe Harvard,” said Sotheby’s Kevin Brown.

“And so she needed to be in the center of the city and that was the reason why she was picking this one particular apartment. I said, ‘Oh, well, how old is your daughter?’ And she said, ‘Well, she’s 2,’ ” Brown said.

One57, across from Carnegie Hall, will be completed next year.

Another broker said she is negotiating with a Chinese couple buying a two-bedroom for their 15-year-old.

“Ninety percent of my buyers are Chinese. They are buying luxury condos in New York for their children,” said Douglas Elliman broker Xiaolan “Sherri” Shang.

  • New York Post


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