Sunday, September 22

Goodwill Message to His Royal Majesty, Oba Ajibade Fasiku, on His Coronation as the Elekole of Ikole-Ekiti, Nigeria

It gives me pleasure to write this tribute on Kabiyesi on his coronation as the Elekole of Ikole Ekiti.  It is indeed an honour to have the privilege of writing about a Royalty.  Not too long ago, I had the same privilege

and honour to pay tribute to another Royalty, the Osemawe of Ondo Kingdom, HRM, Oba (Dr.) Victor Olasimbo Kiladejo Jilo III to mark his coronation as the Osemawe of Ondo Kingdom.



The paths of Kabiyesi, my brother and friend, Oba Ajibade Fasiku, the Elekole of Ikole Ekiti and mine crossed each other when we resumed the higher school classes in January 1972 at Oyemekun Grammar School, Akure (OGSA) where, incidentally, I started my secondary education in January 1966.  The Higher School class at OGSA was therefore, to me, a familiar turf.  However, it was a different terrain for Kabiyesi as he came to OGSA for his HSC classes having had his secondary education at Ifaki Grammar School, Ifaki, Ekiti.  To us at OGSA then, all other schools were bush schools.  This however is a matter for debate on another day.


The new terrain was however not a barrier to him as he settled down quickly after the apparent transition period of a new life at OGSA.  He distinguished himself in every aspect of the school life including academic and other extra curricular activities.  His prowess on the field of athletics became noticeable early enough and he represented the school in the inter collegiate sports meet of those days including Grier-Powell Games.


Kabiyesi exhibited sterling leadership qualities which culminated in his election as the House Prefect for Blue House in late 1972 until June 1973 when we completed the HSC programme.  Our paths crossed each other again in September of 1975 as students of Yaba College of Technology (Great Yaba) with other HSC colleagues like Mr. Sola Ayeni and Mr. Olatunde Akinwande.  He also distinguished himself at Great Yaba in academics and also as a keen sportsman.  He represented that great Institution in many NIPOGA meets.  He worked hard academically to become a Chartered Marketer, Chartered Secretary, Chartered Accountant and a Lawyer.  He is always roaring to acquire more knowledge.  Even on the throne, I will not be surprised to hear that Kabiyesi has added another certificate to the tons he already has.


He has since our days at OGSA been a dependable brother, friend and colleague.  I remember with nostalgia that he arranged the purchase of my first car in late 1981 or thereabout.  The note which he sent to me then saying “Fabinson, your Passat car LA 3970 SE is awaiting your collection.  We go wash am o” still etches in my memory.  I left the purchase entirely in his care because of the absolute trust that we had for each other.  There is hardly any landmark event in our respective lives that have not involved us both.  I was not therefore surprised that he also chose to become a Lawyer like me.   He made sure that I was involved in the process leading to his first building in Lagos including the school project also in Lagos.  I monitored his progress as he traversed the employment plane of Lagos culminating in his permanent stay at Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) from where he was called to ascend the throne of his forefathers.  He is such a caring friend who will always want to ensure that you are well taken care of whenever you are his guest.  I remember one of his numerous functions which I attended at Ikole Ekiti when due to exigency of time, I sneaked out of Ikole with my wife to avoid night travelling and consequently missed eating the special pounded yam (“Iyan”) of the Ekiti people.  Kabiyesi and the Olori visited us the week-end following with special wraps of hot Iyan and bush meat at our Lagos home.  We all relished the choice delicacies.  He is that incredible with his caring.  He and Olori braved all odds in December of 2005 to attend my late father’s burial.


He is an exceptional family man who cared for his wife and children.  He made sure that he gave them the best of education.  Happily enough, most of them are now married.  I have also been privileged to attend the wedding ceremonies of the children except the ones that took place outside the shores of Nigeria.


Time and space will fail me if I decide to write all I know about Kabiyesi.  A courageous and dogged fighter, very unassuming, highly principled and emotionally stable in all aspects. A true friend and brother in deed.  The Ikole people are privileged to have him as their Oba.  They could not have had anyone less following the successful reign of the immediate past Oba who brought pomp, peagantry and panache to the Elekole throne.


Kabiyesi, let me join thousands of your admirers to say that your reign will usher in peace, prosperity and joy to the land of your forefathers and may your shadow not grow less, Amen.


On behalf of my wife, children and family (incidentally part of my forebearers are reputed to have migrated from Ikole Ekiti), I wish you a successful reign and pray that the good Lord, the one who knows it all will continue to direct your steps.  Please remain close to Him.


K’ade pe lori, ki bata pe lese, Oba Alaiyeluwa, the Elekole of Ikole Ekit.  Asiko nyin a tu’lu lara o, Amin.


Olugbenga Fabilola is a successful Lagos-based attorney.

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