Sunday, September 22

Caleb Danladi Bako Insight and Rational Behind World Seafarers Day

As the world celebrates the 2016 Seafarers day on Saturday 25th June 2016 (today). A Maritime Professional Mr Caleb Danladi Bako gave an insight about the

rationale of the day. Mr Caleb Danladi Bako is a Master Mariner and has over 10 years’ experience working in maritime industry. Caleb Danladi is also working as Chief Marine Officer in Nigeria LNG Ship Management Limited (NSML). He has held several positions of increasing responsibility as part of a progressive senior management development.

June 25th has been set aside by International maritime organisation and is observe worldwide as a day for Seafarers. The day of seafarers was established to recognise the unique contribution made by seafarers to International seaborne trade, the world Economy and to the global society as a whole. Day of seafarers was first celebrated in 2011.

According to Mr Danladi, this year International Maritime Organisation days of seafarers aim to celebrates Seafarers and to create awareness for the world to know how and why Seafarers are indispensable to everyone. The Campaign theme this year is “At Sea for All “. Mr Danladi further stated that the theme has a clear link with the 2016 world maritime day theme “Shipping Indispensable to the world”.  According to Danladi Seafarers go to Sea not just for the shipping industry or for their interest of earning a living and career development but for the benefit of all because over 90% of the world’s trade is carried by sea and it is, by far, the most cost-effective way to move en masse goods and raw materials around the world.

In many parts of the world, today many organisations are marking seafarers day with celebrations and Seafarers awareness week which intend to highlight the importance of Seafaring Career, prospects and career paths among others. While there is much to Celebrate, Mr Danladi highlighted segments of maritime industry that affect seafarers, and needs urgent attention. These areas includes Security threats to Seafarers at sea, Shortage of Seafarers, Poor Living condition and social welfare, Lack of proper training among others. 

Mr Danladi Further stated that the New Maritime Labour Convention Regime (MLC) will address most of these challenges and will ensure adequate living and working condition for Seafarers. He calls on all stalk holders, Maritime Authorities to ensure effective implementation and compliance.

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