Saturday, September 21

Aviation Minister Oduah Denies Marginalizing North

PRINCESS Stella Odua, Nigeria’s minister of aviation on Thursday issued a denial to charges that the ministry under her watch has marginalized the northern region.

The denial comes amid charges that foreign airlines were being denied landing rights at Kano’s Aminu Kano International Airport, the largest airport in northern Nigeria.

Mrs. Oduah’s denials were made public in a statement signed by, Mr. Joe Obi, a special adviser on media matters to the aviation minister.

According to the statement, Bilateral Air Service Agreement, BASA, between Nigeria and other nations are operational, which Nigeria must and is abiding by. The nations with which the agreement exists include the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia.

The minister cited the existence of this agreement as evidence that the region, as with the rest of Nigeria, enjoyed the patronage of airlines.

“We make haste to state that the Bilateral Air Service Agreement between Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) clearly grants and entitles these airlines to operate flights into Lagos, Abuja and Kano International Airports.

She explained that the Bilateral Air Service Agreement (BASA) between Nigeria and other countries granted  right to some foreign airlines to land in Abuja, Lagos and Kano.

“We make haste to state that the BASA between Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) clearly grants and entitles these airlines to operate flights into Lagos, Abuja and Kano International Airports.

It is therefore, inconceivable that anyone, including the aviation minister will  unilaterally deny them rights and privileges already conferred by the BASA.

Mrs. Oduah mentioned Emirates Airlines, Etihad Airlines and the Ethiopian Airways as airlines currently privileged to patronize Nigerian airports. The three airlines, she said, had already commenced operations in Lagos but Etihad and Emirates has not signified any interest in operating form the Kano airport.

Saying that the airlines were encouraged to partner with local airlines, the statement said it was “misleading” for anyone to suggest that any airlines were denied entry at the Kano airport.


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