By Adedayo Ogunleye | Monday January 11, 2012
A citizen Desire to see a New Awakening in his Homeland
Dear Father,
Good Morning;
I am not happy, and so I go straight to the heart of the matter.
The ones who govern us; sometimes I wonder how they got there.
The Good Book says You set up Kings, and pull down others.
Still, I doubt that You established the crop of leaders we have had in this nation; from what I know, You are not an evil or wicked God.
I therefore confess our error as a nation; we the citizens are the ones, who through the Evil Trinity of Poverty, Ignorance and Apathy, have brought our nation to where we stand now.
I will not whine or bemoan our woes; you know them fully well.
Our president is confused, yet adamant and reprobate; his advisers, too.
Our nation, already milked and drained for decades through corruption in high places, is now being sold in slavery to that international duo of slave masters- the IMF and the World Bank.
Yet, many of our people sleep, or are passive; they are resigned to fate and ignorant of our Power as a People.
Others are numbed from the Opium they seek refuge in.
Some ask in fear: ‘Who will bell this cat?’
They say You will help us, because the clerics and clergy told them it is Your Job.
Little do they know that though You love us like crazy, You will not lift a finger in our aid until we awake to the responsibility of choosing our fate as a nation.
You have laid before us life and death and though you taught us to choose life, in the past we chose death.
The Death of Ignorance.
The Death of Esau’s Bane.
The Death of Apathy a.k.a. “Siddon Look”.
The Price of our Choice is our Present Sad Reality as a Nation.
However, we say: NO MORE!
We turn to You, not in false piety or hypocrisy asking You to do our duty for us, as some do;
We turn to you in our Anguish.
We ask You to awaken us with this Pain that we feel now;
We ask that You, O God, infuse us with Indignation at our present sorry state.
Inflame us with Rage at the ones who have pillaged our land.
Get us really mad at ourselves too, for having allowed this Fraud go on for so long; we have been Gang-raped repeatedly by an army of Thieves.
Light a Fire in the Spirits of all Nigerians across the land.
Let the passive ones Catch this Fire too.
Light a Fire, make we vex sef.
A Fire that fears no boots, whips, chains, jails, or bullets.
A Fire that will persevere, no matter how long it takes to bring change.
A Fire that knows no Fatigue; a Tireless Fire.
A Fire that does not fear the threat of Death, or Death itself.
A Fire that Births Social Change, like Your servants- Peter, Ghandi, Rev MLK, Desmond Tutu, and Mandela did.
A Fire that conquers Hate, and yet pursues Justice to the End.
Light a Fire like You did in the heart of the Prophet Mohammad, and Your Son, Jesus.
A Fire that will demand Justice and Truth, even at the expense of our own lives.
Light a Fire in our hearts, one that will usher in True and Lasting Change.
I trust that You hear; thank You for The Answer.
I am, Your Son and Servant.