Sunday, September 22

Air Chief Demands Absolute Loyalty from Troops, Commissions New Barracks Accommodation in Benin

By Christel Odili


The Chief of Air staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar has once again reminded the Nigerian Air Force personnel the need to remain absolutely loyal while discharging their military duties in accordance to the mandate of the constitution.

The CAS made the charges yesterday during the commissioning of additional barracks accommodation at the NAF base in Benin, Edo State.

Air Marshal Abubakar reminded the personnel that the Service and indeed the nation in return would continue to expect and truly does not deserve anything less than absolute loyalty and best from them.

The CAS who was represented at the occasion by the Chief of Administration at the NAF headquarters, Air Vice Marshal Mahmoud Ahmed, congratulated the beneficiaries of the new accommodation and implored them to ensure proper care and maintenance of the facility.

On his part, the Commander of the NAF base in Benin, Air Commodore Olarewaju Shobande expressed deep appreciation to the Air Chief for ensuring that the airmen and women serving in Benin area are properly accommodated to boost their working morale.

The NAF formation in Benin is one of the strategic Units in the nation’s security architecture as it thus conducts maritime patrol to safeguard oil facilities in the Niger Delta region while also actively involved in the Operation Lafia Dole in the Northeast, conducting medical evacuation, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance missions as well as airlift of troops and logistics resupply.

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