Saturday, September 28

Ajimobi’s Special Adviser on Political Matters warns Lanlehin not to bite the fingers that feeds him

Alhaji Fatai Ibikunle, the Special Adviser to Governor Abiola Ajimobi on Political Matters has cautioned

Senator Femi Lanlehin (Senator representing the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria at the National Assembly) not to bite the fingers that fed him.


This was contained in a release issued on Monday in response to an interview granted by the senator casting aspersion on Governor Ajimobi and his developmental efforts in the state.

“What Lanlehin did in that interview is tantamount to biting the finger that fed him. I could recall vividly that after the gubernatorial primaries of the ACN when he failed to pick the ticket of the party, he immediately moved to the Accord Party of Rashidi Ladoja. “Indeed, his supporters are still there till today.

Senator Ajimobi not only personally went to him to wave the olive branch at him, but has since extended brotherly affection to the Senator. Indeed, at a meeting in Ibadan, he openly begged Lanlehin to let them work together for the uplift of the party. It is a pity that Lanlehin is bent on the journey to self-destruct,” Alhaji Ibikunle said.

Wondering why Lanlehin would descend to the extent of denigrating the governor’s highly applauded achievements in the state on pages of newspapers when he could discuss the issues he raised with the party or even the governor himself, Ibikunle said if the senator wanted to join his kit and kin in the Accord Party, he could do that without setting the state of fire. The Ajimobi aide, who was one of late Alhaji Lamidi Adesina’s trusted loyalists and aides, said that before his death, the late former governor had expressed concern about the senator’s personalization of political office, as against Governor Ajimobi’s demonstration of respect for the party and its leadership.

“Immediately he became Senator, all Lanlehin’s aides were personally selected by him without the input of the ACN leadership. Alhaji Lam was not pleased with this tendency towards personalization and compared this with that of Governor Ajimobi who subjected the choice of his aides to the party leadership’s rigour and approval,” Ibikunle said.

Alhaji Ibikunle also said that the late Alhaji Lam was worried about Senator Lanlehin’s unstable political loyalty, having been a trusted aide of former Governor Bola Tinubu and abandoning the ACN leader for the PDP, before making a detour to the ACN. “But he promised Alhaji Lam that he would not engage in party prostitution again. He was always at the late leader’s house every morning begging to be brought back from his romance with conservatives and siding with Obasanjo to ease the progressives out of power in 2003.

“It was my intervention and that of Governor Ajimobi that got him his senatorial ticket. Now, he is set to go back to his vomit and return to where we had always suspected he was heading for. But politics should be more of principle and not exhibition of base sentiments,” he said.

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