Tuesday, September 24

And Then There Was Spring

By Adedayo Ogunleye

Location: Berger Roundabout, Abuja, Nigeria.

Time: 1.00pm

Date: 19th December, 2011.

Today, I watched a fracas between two corrupt policemen and a bus driver-conductor team.

For the dirty policemen, it was simply another day at work extorting the “bloody civilians”, until they discovered that their preys were not the usual people. These ones were not going to lie down and be trampled over like the millions of other Nigerians they encountered daily as cops.

And so the duel began; slap for slap, kick for kick – until one of the policemen, enraged, released the safety catch on his gun and made to shoot. At this point, onlookers – me included – intervened, and the policeman understood that it would become a case of “shoot-one, shoot-all”.

The cops, shamefaced, had to flee from the scene with their tails between their legs, like the cowards that they really were.

The incident filled me with hope; certainly, Nigerians will one day awaken to the truth that they really can fight for their rights and rout the fiends who have held the nation in captivity!

The chains that bind us will forever need our assent to hold us in captivity. Without our permission, they cannot continue to bind us- hands, feet and soul.

Like the late Bob Marley said “None but ourselves can free our minds”.

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