Friday, March 7

Avatar Task, The Best So Far?

The Chase is just 5 days old, but we have already seen a lot especially as regards the tasks, so many of them including the speed dating, meal task among others have already been done by the Chasers but most probably,

the one that has grabbed so much attention is the just concluded ‘Avatar Task’ which entailed Chasers to design Avatars for the housemates they are closest to.

This particular task happened yesterday evening and I must confess that it’s been the best so far (in my opinion). All the diamonds and Rubies came up with 28 avatars with each one of them having a different description  though some of them like Denzel’s had a weird description, need I say more?

Well, the most interesting bit about this task was when the housemates  were required to give out their Avatars to the Chasers they were closest to, while  some Chasers like Ruby’s LK4 and Diamond’ Fatima were lucky enough to get more than one Avatar, others like Bassey, Beverly and a few others weren’t any lucky to get even a single Avatar!

What happened yesterday in the gardens of both houses could probably be an indicator that our beloved Chasers could be cooking up some romance for us in  the near future. I must therefore commend Biggie for  the wise decision of coming up with such a task.

What’s your take on the Tasks so far, which’s been your best?



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