Saturday, February 22

Our World with Susan M. Ajibuwa

Tribute to Mrs. Iyadunni Sarah Oluwalami (Nee Abitogun) 1961 – 2012
Our World with Susan M. Ajibuwa

Tribute to Mrs. Iyadunni Sarah Oluwalami (Nee Abitogun) 1961 – 2012

The remains of big sister, Iyadunni Sarah Oluwalami, were interred at her husband’s hometown of Owo in Ondo State, Nigeria, on Saturday. Auntie Iyadun, as we all in the Abitogun family used to fondly call her, eventually lost the battle to a strange form of cancer which the most formidable medical team at the oncological department of the University College Hospital in Ibadan could not curtail. (more…)
Jimoh Ibrahim is not Humble!
Our World with Susan M. Ajibuwa

Jimoh Ibrahim is not Humble!

By Oladimeji Abitogun - Originally written in April of 2011, this article by Mr. Oladimeji Abitogun is a critical appraisal of the personality of businessman Jimoh Ibrahim, who is currently facing hard times as his business concerns come under government scrutiny for alleged laspses. It would hardly matter that Mr. Jimoh Ibrahim, the bashful and abrasive owner of  Emery Oil and Global Fleet Corporation wants us to perceive him as an unborn, self made billionaire, his lack of humility, or should I say his penchant for false humility, leaves us with no choice but to think hard on the source of his wealth. (more…)