Saturday, September 21

Clownish Governor of Bayelsa Inaugurates Committee on Rumor Mongering

THE confused puppet administration in Bayelsa State, south-south Nigeria, has again proven its capacity for the absurd, as it announced a plan to institute a committee that would superintend rumor-mongering in the state later this week.

The Chief Press Secretary to Governor Seriake Dickson disclosed that the administration, which seems to have devised disingenuous ways of settling old scores against those who engineered its victory by repeatedly unveiling initiatives that often embarrass Nigeria, says it has found it necessary to inaugurate a committee on rumor-mongering because of people who allege unproven breaches against Governor Dickson.

Dickson, a lackey of President Goodluck Jonathan and his wife, provided a teaching moment for the entire world by appointing the first lady as a permanent secretary of Bayelsa State civil service. The action reduced Nigeria to a Banana Republic in stature.

His head-hunting charade launched to target his predecessor recently lead to the enactment of a law that makes kidnapping punishable by death in Bayelsa State. Dickson’s corrupt administration is criticized for not making corruption and fraud by his functionaries to carry death penalty.

Critics of the administration suggest that Dickson should not stop at instituting a committee on rumor mongering. According to one such critic, “he should institute another committee that would write down the names of noise-makers in markets and parks and on the streets from villages to towns and cities. He is a clown!”

This critic, who opted for anonymity in other not to be caught by the vicious wiles of Governor Dickson said, “the buffoonery being demonstrated by Jonathan and his cronies is just reducing leadership to purview of oafs comparable with Idia Amin Dada of Uganda.”

According to the spokesperson to the Bayelsa State governor, the government of Bayelsa State is “Piqued by the disturbing trend of incessant rumour mongering in Bayelsa State and a situation whereby the person and office of the Governor is always at the receiving end, His Excellency, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson, has decided to set up a high powered committee to address this ugly trend.

The spokesperson added that “the committee, which will be inaugurated next week, will be tasked  with the responsibility of not only finding a permanent solution to rumour mongering in the state, but will also be saddled with the responsibility of fishing out persons who make it a habit to peddle rumours and spread false and misleading information to the public.”

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