Saturday, September 21

FG’s Competitive Strategy on Raw Materials will Save Nigeria N3.6trn

By Dele Ogbodo

The Minister of Science Technology, Dr. Ogbonanya Onu, has said the national strategy for competitiveness in raw materials

is designed to build domestic capacity in Nigeria’s bid for a diversified economy.

Besides saving Nigeria N3.6 trillion, it will create employment for 4.4 million people within five years of its effective implementation.

Dr. Onu said this while addressing World Press Conference week end in Abuja.

“It is a Landmark effort that will enable Nigeria conserve Science scarce foreign by stimulating global competiveness, of our raw materials”.

In the health sector, the Minister said the Ministry through its agency, the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, has initiated bold steps in the management of sickle cell anemia in partnership with May & Baker Pharmaceuticals Limited.

He said the Therapeutic Food Supplement produced through partnership is a wonderful new approach to managing the disease. The food Supplement, if properly used, will prevent patients from relapsing into crises situations.

He further said that the industrial enzimes developed and produced by FIRRO could be used by the food industry thereby saving Nigeria enormous foreign exchange.

Research Institutes are now to partner with Industries in order to make their findings relevant to national needs, Dr.Onu added.

Dr. Onu said the Ministry will soon hold a confab with bastions of industry to explore areas of collaboration between research institutes and industry.

Dr. Onu canvassed the need for Scientists to tap into the Humanities and the Social Sciences so as to benefits the country.

According to the Minister, Nigeria is making slow but steady march in promoting research and stimulating innovation to bring about growth in the national economy.

Dr. Onu further said that the Leather Products Policy unveiled by the Ministry will promote leather technology and help accelerate Nigeria’s industrialization process.

According to him, “It will strengthen our capacity to convert our capacity to convert our rich agricultural products into visible goods and services for both domestic consumption and export”.

Dr. Onu said further that agencies under the Ministry are working closely with the Armed Forces, adding that “we are determined to help solve some of the problems and overcome of the challenges confronting our Armed Forces”.

Dr Onu also Spoke of the contribution of the Ministry in the area of job creation. The National Board for Technology incubation of the Ministry, he added, has helped to grow thousands of new entrepreneurs who are now engaged in micro, macro and small scale enterprises all over the country.

To help Nigeria Check the danger of flooding, the Ministry has developed a Flood Monitoring System (FMS), to help monitor real time ground water level to check the incidence flood occurrence, the minister added .

Satellites Images of National Space Research and Development Agency of the Ministry are being employed by various states and NEMA in disaster management across the country, Dr. Onu concluded.

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