Monday, September 23

Fifty-two communities have so far benefitted from the World Bank-assisted social projects in Enugu State, an official said. Dr Dons Eze, the Operations Manager of Enugu State Community and Social Development Project (CSDP), said this in an interview with

It would be interesting to know what Playwright and Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka had seen when he affirmed” “God moves in a mischievous way”. Quite anachronistically, in a related remark , the Physicist and Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein had opined” God does not play Dice with the Universe” Here I make use of the Chinese Calendar. History seems to be repeating itself in a subtle manner.

Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, former Federal Minister is the present Governor of Ondo State. A physician and product of the university of Ife, he is a protégé of Professor Oludolapo Akinkugbe, Physician , born July 17 1933, formerly of the university college Hospital Ibadan and one of the Geniuses from Government college Ibadan


Dr. Olu Agunloye, also a former federal minister is an Ondo state Governorship aspirant, A Physicist and product of the university of Ibadan. Protégé of Professor Wole soyinka, born July 13 1934,formerly of the University of Ife and another Genius from Government College Ibadan.

Akinkugbe and Soyinka were classmates at GCI.

Olusegun Mimiko was born on October 3 1954,”year of the horse” If he had been born one year earlier it would have been the year of the snake.1953

Mahatma Gandhi, Father of India was born October 2 1869 year of the snake and Bola Ige who was both Federal minister and Governor was born September 13 1930, year of the Horse. If  Bola Ige had been born one year earlier it would have been the year of the snake.1929

Ex Personal assistant to Bola Ige Olu Agunloye was born September 16 1948, year of the mouse. If he had been born a year later, 1949 it would have been the year of the ox and Pandit Nehru, first Prime Minister of India and successor to Mahatma Gandhi was born November 14 1889, year of the ox. Bola Ige had one of his two best friends, Professor Muyiwa Awe, born November 13 1932, another Genius from Government College Ibadan. Who like Nehru studied at Cambridge. The other best friend is Wole Soyinka

Mimiko belongs to the Labour Party and Agunloye belongs to the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN). Interestingly, Nehru became first prime minister of India on the platform of the India National Congress (INC).

Are all these happening by chance or there is an unseen Hand?

Olu Agunloye moved from the PDP to the Labour Party to contest a senatorial Seat but was asked instead by Mimiko to take a shot at the House of Representatives to give way to the now Senator Robert  Boroffice and so he crossed over to the Action Congress of Nigeria to contest a senatorial Seat.

There are strange developments between India and Nigeria, especially as it concerns Mahatma Gandhi(1869-1948), Hindu Nationalist and Bola Ige(1930-2001), Yoruba Nationalist. Gandhi and Ige both studied Law at the University College, London. Gandhi and Ige were both imprisoned for their struggles on the democratic front. Gandhi and Ige were both described as having caustic tongues.

Gandhi was a mystic and relatedly, Bola Ige a Rosicrucian.

Gandhi and Ige were both assassinated in their 70s. Gandhi in New Delhi the political capital of India and Bola Ige in Ibadan, the political capital of the Yoruba nation.

Gandhi had, as his right hand man, Pandit Nehru. Twenty years younger than Gandhi, Nehru studied Geology, physics, Chemistry and Botany and eventually Law.

Comparably, Ige had as his special assistant, Olu Agunloye, 18 years younger than Ige; he studied Geo Physics.

Bola Ige is particularly interesting for the passion he has shown for India, Gandhi and Nehru. In his autobiography, ‘Kaduna Boy’, he revealed that the first country he visited outside Nigeria was India. He also disclosed that he had read virtually everything Gandhi and Nehru ever wrote.

Ige also informed that when Nehru became Prime minister in 1947, he “was as happy as if he was an Indian” and when Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 he had “Three days of excruciating mental agony and moodiness


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