A cross section of Nigerians in Abuja says balanced diet is out of their reach due to the rising food prices and dwindling household incomes.
They told sharpedgenews in separate interviews on Tuesday that the situation was worse especially for low income earners in the country.
Some attributed the situation to the current economic situation while others said; they have maintained balanced meals in spite of the dwindling household incomes.
Mrs Susan Akpomera, a Healthy Living Consultant, said that maintaining a balanced diet was not a function of abundance of money but proper meal planning, proportioning and discipline.
According to her, a balanced diet is a meal or diet that contains essential nutrients needed for optimal functioning of the body.
”Therefore a plate of food can contain rice, a piece of meat, vegetable at the side and fruits to be taken after about thirty minutes, this is balanced”, she said.
Akpomera advised families to employ the services of a nutritionist to help in designing a healthy meal plan that would suit the size of their pockets.
Miss Peace Nwankwo, a banker, said eating a balance diet does not have to do with the amount of money you have, adding that, with proper planning, one could still maintained balance diet with a little income.
”With the current economic situation what we need to do is to feed well. We don’t eat to get full rather we eat what will sustain us.
“We need to reduce the number of times we eat to ensure that if we are eating twice a day, it should be good food. A little of all the needed nutrients will go a long way.
”Eating healthy will also keep us away from the hospital. We cannot afford to fall sick with the present economy, so let try to help ourselves,” she said.
Mrs Mary Balogun, a teacher, said that she feed her family with whatever she could afford just to stay alive.
She said” these days, we don’t think of balance diet, all we want is to eat something that will sustain us. Who is talking about balance meal.
“I can’t even afford to eat properly again as food prices continue to surge. Once I can feed my children twice daily, I am satisfied.
Mr Godwin Peter, a civil servant said he and his family eat not to maintain balance diet but to be satisfied and continue their daily activities.
He said in spite knowing the importance of egg for the development of his children, he could no long afford the one egg per day because of the cost.
Peter said that he look forward to a better Nigeria adding that hope is what is keeping him alive.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Inflation Report, inflation rate in Nigeria has increased to 26.72 per cent in September.
The reports said these increases were observed in food and non-alcoholic beverages at 13.84 per cent and housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuel at 4.47 per cent.