Friday, September 27

Kogi Governor Pays $8million, Bribe to PDP NWC over In-law

Governor Ibrahim Idris of Kogi State, NigeriaARISE O COMPATRIOTS-Kogi State is in dire need of Presidential Intervention!

Things are happening in Kogi State at such a fast rate that except the President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria urgently steps in, Kogi State will be totally and completely thrown into confusion. The future of Kogi State is being mortgaged and rubbished by a sitting Governor who will stop at nothing to impose his in-law, friend and business partner on the state as the next Governor unto whom he will hand over the reigns of governance to.


Our organization has confirmed from a very reliable and dependable source that the state Governor has directed and approved massive withdrawals of money from the state coffers, all in a bid to oil the wheel that would help him install Alh. Idris Wada as the Governor of Kogi State. Our very dependable source has confirmed on good authorities that in the last two weeks, massive withdrawals both local and foreign currencies from the various Kogi State Government accounts in the banks. This money, it has been confirmed is to enable the Governor meet the continuous demands placed on him by some members of the PDP National Working committee. As at Friday night, our dependable source confirmed that, about $8million was paid to the National Working Committee through Secondus as part payment and a further N1billion was to be paid Sunday 2nd October, 2011 as a condition for releasing the PDP nomination forms to Capt. Idris Wada. The One Billion Naira was allegedly brought to Abuja by the secretary to Kogi State Government, Alh., Musa Ahmadu in company with the States Accountant General.

Recall that only recently, a non-governmental organization, the Kogi Patriots petitioned the EFCC on the activities of the Governor and his in-laws: “We, the Kogi Patriots believe very strongly that certainly, Alh. Idris I. Wada known as Captain Wada is not eligible and or qualified to rule the state as governor even though the sitting Governor, Alh. Ibrahim Idris who is the father in law to Capt. Wada wants to foist his candidature on the people of Kogi State having recently dumped his erstwhile political friend “Echocho”. Our conclusion that Captain Wada is not eligible to rule Kogi State and should not be allowed to be fielded as a candidate by the PDP is based on the reasons hereunder stated which is why we decided to write this petition to you for your swift and immediate action, namely, that Alh. Ibrahim Idris, the Executive Governor of Kogi State in connivance with Alh Idris Wada have looted Kogi State treasury under the guise of payment for contracts not executed and or payments for contracts in excess and far above the extent of job done. The following facts would suffice.


1. Alh. Idris I. Wada (i.e. Capt. Wada) is one of the Directors of HORIZON GROUP LIMITED which is a conglomerate of companies with the following subsidiaries:

i. Horizon stock Brokers Ltd

ii. Horizon Building Society Ltd

iii. Hotel De Horizon Ltd

iv. Horizon Bureau De Change Ltd

v. Horizon Construction Co. Ltd


2. The Kogi state Governor who is the father in-law of Capt. Wada awarded numerous contracts to Horizon Construction Co. Ltd one of the numerous companies in the Horizon Group of companies whose major director is Capt. Wada.


3. By letter dated 30th August, 2010 with reference No. KGS/CAB/39/VOL. 111/653 the Kogi state Government made an offer of Provisional Award of contract for the dualization of Ankpa Township Road to Horizon Construction Co. Ltd at the contract sum of Six Hundred and Twenty Two Million, One Hundred and Sixty Nine Thousand, Five Hundred and Sixty Nine Naira, Thirty five Kobo (N622, 169, 569.35) please find attached to this petition a photocopy of the said letter of award marked as annexture “A”.


4. Upon acceptance of the offer, the sum of N186,650,870.81 as plant advance was approved and paid to the company as evidenced by the letter dated 23rdSeptember, 2010 reference No. MOW/KGC1V/385/VOL1/10 hereby annexed and marked as annexture “B” together with Certificate Valuation No. 1 (one) marked as Exh “C” herein.


5. By Certificate Valuation No. 2 (two) the sum of Eighty Four Million, Seven Hundred and Thirty Three Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven Naira, Ten kobo (N84,733, 777.10) was further approved and paid to the contractor. Attached to this petition and marked as Exhibit “D” is a photocopy of the certificate valuation.


It must be pointed out that as at the date of this letter, the contractor is yet to mobilize to contract site not to even talk of having started any work. No work has started at the site and no work is on going and yet the contractor has been paid the two huge sums of money for doing nothing. This no doubt is a clear case of Economic and Financial Crime which must be investigated. Alh Idris I. Wada (Capt. Wada) is the “big boss” of the Horizon Group of Company Ltd which is the parent company of Horizon Construction Co. Ltd.


6. By a letter of offer of Provisional Award of Contract for the construction of Iyamoye – Igbagun – Ife Olukotun – Ponyan – Jege Road dated 29thDecember, 2008 with reference No. KGS/S/CAB/39/Vol.1 /485 Horizon Construction Co. Ltd was awarded another contract by the Kogi state Government to the tune of Two Billion, Two Hundred and eighty Five Million, Five Hundred and Forty One Thousand, Five Hundred and seventy Three Naira, Twenty Nine Kobo (N2,285, 511,573.29) which was later reviewed upward by an additional sum of N455,534,927.04 which brought the total sum to N2, 741, 076,500.33. Out of this total sum, the sum of N2, 464,609,377.09 has been paid leaving only a paltry sum of N278,467,123.30 outstanding. The level of job said to have been completed on paper stands at 80% whereas the real job done at the site is not even up to 20%. The contractor has been paid for a job that has not been done all in the bid to oil the engine that will rail road him to Kogi state Government House. Please find attached the letter of upward reviewed marked as annexture “E”.


7. On or about the 10th May, 2006, the Kogi State government awarded a contract for the sum of N30,000,000.00 to Horizon Construction Co. Ltd for Erosion Control of Ubiga/Agojo Eju – Idah K(Phase 1), which we concede the company executed and was duly paid. We hereby annex to this petition, a photocopy of compilation of projects executed by the government of Kogi State from 2003 – 2010 marked as Exhibit “F”

8. Horizon Construction co. Ltd was also awarded a contract for the rehabilitation and erosion control on Oguchekwo Street by Angwa-Ede, Ankpa by the Kogi state government via a letter dated 29th September, 2008 with reference No KG/S/CAB/39/Vol. 1/448 for sum of Three Hundred Fifty One Million, Six Hundred and twenty One Thousand, Ninety Naira Only (N351,621,093.00). Attached is a copy of the said marked as Exhibit “G”.

The Abuja office of Horizon Construction Co. Ltd and or its parent company is 40 Lusaka Street, Wuse Zone 6, Abuja while the Lagos office is Investment House, 4th Floor, 21/25 Broad Street, Lagos.


In the light of the above facts, it would be great disservice on our part to fold our arms and allow the governance of our state to be handed over to a contractor who has not only connived with a sitting governor (who is his father in-law) to loot the state treasury but has plundered our collective wealth. It is in this regard that we write to urge you to speedily investigate the matter.”


In the light of this, we urge Mr President to as a matter of urgency direct the anti-graft agencies to swing into action by storming on all the state Government accounts and the accounts of PDP National Chairman Baraje and Mr Secondus, as our organization is willing to provide the account details and details on all the transactions.





Engr., Adedayo Fagbenle

Dir. Research & Documentation

Movement Against Corruption and Graft.

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