Sunday, September 29

NAFDAC Boss Denounces Alleged N700m Scam as Mischievous Ruse

NATIONAL Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control boss, Dr. Paul Orhii has come out swinging

against charges of culpability in the case of an alleged multi-million naira scam rollicking the agency as reported by an online publication.


Orhii, whose title as the agency’s scribe is director-general, also issued a strong refutation in response to allegations that he has romantic relations with his former special assistant, Ms. Aishat Okpa-Iwenofu, in whose bank account the sum of 700 million naira was allegedly found.

Orhii told newsmen on Tuesday in Lagos that he knew nothing about the said N700 million said to have been found in her bank account.

According to the agency boss, the allegation which was reported to have been petitioned to the Economic Financial Crime Commission was in fact an outright falsehood.

The online publication, revealed to reporters as Global Village Extra, had published the accounts in the last month, referencing what it said was a petition to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission which supposedly alleged that N700 million was found in the account of Mr. Orhii’s previous special assistant with a Lagos-based bank.

The online publication further alleged that the unnamed petitioner had concrete proof of deals between Okpa-Iwenofu and fake drug dealers, alleging further that she was a mistress to the NAFDAC boss

But Orhii said that he was never invited by the EFCC on the ‘so-called’ petition submitted to the anti-graft agency.

He also said that the publication of the allegation through an online news site, an unrecognized newspaper was a campaign by aggrieved counterfeiting agents to bring him and the agency down.

“There is no iota of doubt that my detractors, some of who are drug counterfeiters would go to any length this time around to paint me black.

“They are envious, badly hit and uncomfortable with our well-coordinated, multifaceted and successful anti-counterfeiting strategies,’’ he said.

Orhii said that the failed attempt to assassinate him in 2010 made his detractors hell bent on assassinating his character with falsehood.

How could I sack someone who has got my N700 million without first of all, collecting my money? This is absolutely not logical,’’ he said.

Orhii, however, reaffirmed his commitment to serve the nation and that he would continue to fight against drug counterfeiting to safe guard the health of Nigerians.

“I can never disappoint millions of Nigerians and friends abroad who have invested so much trust, confidence and hope in me.

“My commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs in the country and my commitment to serving the nation will remain unshaken,’’ he said.

Also speaking, Prof.  John Ibu, the Chairman, NAFDAC Governing Board, noted that all allegations aimed at the Agency D-G were part of the plot to derail him from the good works he was doing.

“ If there is substance in the allegation, we would have investigated and dealt with it our own way.

“The D-G has enviable achievements, which is recognized both locally and internationally and we are in support his fight against fake drugs to safeguard the health of Nigerians,’’ he said.

Ibu also urged the media to uphold their sacred duty of informing, enlightening and educating the public correctly.

`The media is the watchdog of this nation, therefore, be careful with what you publish by getting your facts and figures so that you do not misinform the public,’’ he said.

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