Wednesday, January 22

Nigerians and the God-Craze: Religiosity, Spirituality, or Just Plain Hypocrisy?

by Adedayo Ogunleye

So much has been said about the presumed piety of Nigerians. It is assumed that Nigeria is the unchallenged numero uno amongst the comity of nations in only one sector globally – churchplanting, churchbuilding, or general churchbizness; call it what you will.

A friend once remarked that hardly could you walk a hundred meters anywhere in good ole’ Naija without coming across a church or mosque. The dude sounded really proud of that fact because to him, it shows Nigeria off for the righteous nation that it is.

Nigerians are generally God-fearing and God-loving people, or are they…really?

Come, let’s consider what it means to be “God-loving” or/and “God-fearing”. This is necessary because these words have been misused, abused, maligned and twisted in the Nigerian psyche by the pseudo-religious cabal. Remember, words are delicate things- indeed, major wars have been ignited by mere words, like my ex-boss Major-General Simon Njoku would say.

Ok. We start by considering the term ‘God-fearing’. In Nigeria, this term means realizing that God- All-knowing and All-powerful- has got his eyes on you, so better ACT RIGHT! Even when you so much want to act wrong. It also seems to mean trying to curry His approval and favor by some outward show of apparent uprightness. Yeah, go ahead- call that righteousness.

God-loving nko? Many Nigerians believe you are God-loving when you frequent the mosque(s),church(es) and their functions. You are God-loving when you stylishly intimidate family, friends and colleagues with your per-second Prayer Power- a grand show of your prowess in religion, your ‘bless yous’, ‘by God’s graces’ and ‘in Jesus names’. You are even a better God-lover when you ‘sow’ into the lives of God’s “big men”, even though your neighbor, friend or an encountered stranger is famished, starving or half-naked, for poverty’s sake.

Of course, the defense such folks proffer and the logic here, to them, is that the land they are sowing into is more ‘fertile’ and would naturally, bring a better harvest than sowing into an “ordinary mortal’s” life would.

The problem with this line of thought besides its being puerile in nature, is that it breeds a subtle yet conc. form of hypocrisy- the kind rampant in our Naija today. It also also breeds a unique kind of ‘Christian’ or ‘Muslim’- the kind that reveres and worships the ‘great’ ‘Men of God’ in our society for perceived knowledge/power in the things of God contrasted with their own self-imposed ignorance. The kind that gives to God what man thinks he(God) needs- praise, worship offerings, tithes, prayers and fasts while s/he(man) continues to persist in dysfunctional acts “Give unto Caesar?” The kind that would never deign to give to the numerous struggling orphanages and old people’s homes preferring instead to stuff the already over-bloated church accounts with funds. The kind that outwardly obeys God, yet inwardly resents Him for seeing all and secretly wishes he could outsmart Him and in fact , is often seeking to do so, by commiting in secret those very sins they condemn publicly. The kind that wishes God could just for a moment be distracted from His crystal clear focus on him/her so s/he could just quickly indulge in ‘fleshly’ things. “Just a quick one, dear God, then its back to the business of godliness”, they might be overheard mumbling. The kind that kill, maim, pillage and bomb fellow men- all in the name of God. As if the Almighty is a weakling- in need of human help to defend His Name and Honor.

Yes, It is this kind of thinking that make our politicians and ‘leaders’ ready to invoke the name ‘God’ at the drop of a hat to deceive us, or to feign a plea for His intervention in our national affairs while they persist in their brazen brigandry as they rob our nation blind and we, the people remain frozen in our inertia, wailing and supplicating in our churches and mosques for His intervention instead of taking to the streets in peaceful and lawful protest. Little do we know, they-cunning thieves that they are- have us right where they want us.

It is also this thinking that has created and perpetuated a new theology in our nation: one that focuses fixatedly on how the gospel is a tool for wealth creation and amassing. It has also made many wonder if God is unwilling or maybe even unable to take charge of this potentially great nation of ours and right all wrongs.

It brings to mind the lyrics of an eerily prophetic reggae jam by the legend, Bob Marley: ‘Most People think Great God will come from the sky/ take away every pain and make everybody feel high’. The maestro further advised: ‘If you know what Life is worth/You will look for yours on Earth’. A divinely inspired song, I dare say- one that Nigerians of this generation should take to heart.

Little wonder, Nigeria is the way it is despite the multitude of our churches and mosques. Little wonder, again, that many folks are gradually becoming disillusioned with the whole church ‘arrangee’. Having absconded from ‘church runs’ for over five months, I guess I belong in that class too. ‘Young cynic’ I hear you say as you shake your heads in pity.

Oh, well; whatever folks.

I’m however inclined to see these two terms- ‘God-fearing’ and ‘God-loving’ in a different light.

God-fearing means, to me, a respect or reverence for Life, the Author of that Life and His Creation. This is always borne out of an astute awareness, consideration of, and respect for the Eternal Law or Principle instituted by the Almighty to keep Creation in a precise equilibrium. This understanding is what leads one to ACT RIGHT and not some mumbo-jumbo theology that reduces one to a shivering, groveling slob who naturally(at least covertly) would resent the One whose nature inspires such terror.

God-loving? This is Appreciation, Acceptance, Compassion and Empathy for the next man, who as we fully well agree, is crafted in God’s very own image. This love is never static; it always inspires Affirmative Action to improve the lot of our brotherman. It leads one to take responsibility for our failure as a nation and Act Right to correct and make things right for the unborn and coming generation. The Dalai Lama teaches this. All truly inspired men of every age do too.

The Supreme(we learn) had this to say through Isaiah in the 58th chapter, 6th verse: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: to LOOSEN THE CHAINS OF INJUSTICE AND UNTIE THE CORDS OF THE YOKE, TO SET THE OPPRESSED FREE AND BREAK EVERY YOKE?”

This, to me, is true religion; the rest- praise, worship, offerings, tithes, fasts and church programs- is just mere detail. This is the highest form of evangelism, better positioned to win over true converts than the numerous gimmicks being used to bamboozle the public these days.

Until the Church and the Mosque leaders do a 360-degree turn to the ethics advocated by their founders, I make bold to say they are in the 419 business with a particular twist called Hypocrisy. They belong in the same team with Fred Ajudua, Ade-Bendel dem dem pledding a time-tested product called Hogwash.

I’ll leave you with this thought: Job was neither Hebrew, Muslim nor Christian. Perhaps, he was a Zoroasterian(being a man of the East), yet, he was described as godly and upright in the Bible. Church/Mosque-goers, take note.

Adedayo Ogunleye writes from Abuja, Nigeria.

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