Monday, February 24

NUPENG, Strike for Lagos Doctors

The Lagos League of Political Parties (LLPP) serves a serious note of warning to the Nigeria union of petroleum and natural Gas workers (NUPENG) on their threat of a solidarity strike over sacked Lagos doctors’ issue. While we encourage all civilized vehicle of absorbing these doctors back to work if their employer still wants their services, we frown seriously on foreign unions attempt to assert negative foothold on issues unconnected to them. This is off limit.

NUPENG fully aware that their strike will ground economic activities in the state must not continue to threaten governments, societal peace and economic stability of the people on issues that has no nexus with their line of operation.

Medical workers renders great service to the society, but we must come to a point where we must not value a medical worker more over a street sweeper that helps sustains a healthy environment, nor a public worker over a private sector worker.

Unionism was established for the good of society, but irresponsible acts of striking or threats of strike on baseless and incompetent grounds without being mindful of the overall cost to the society must be condemned by all well meaning people.

The Lagos league of political parties will not hesitate to initiate process of proscribing any union that has wolfed itself as a public enemy, agent of blackmail or destabilizing forces of social harmony on personal and selfish reasons.

LLPP call on federal legislators to start articulating steps that will strengthen unionism as an asset of societal progress and safe guide them from degenerating into societal liability, tools of terror and cheap blackmail.

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