By Olumide Goodness Adeyinka
I get so angry with people who think with their legs and walk with their brains. What a script written by the government for the NLC/TUC guys, who are supposed to be the torchbearers for the people’s agitation, to garrulously vomit a condemnation of the participation of the opposition elements and players in the on-going rally to press in for total overhaul of our system of engagement and operation. It is ridiculous and ludicrous to see a trade organization that is structured to fight for the welfare of the organized workers surreptitiously capitulating at this august stage of a massive protest to effect change in our nation. It was Aldrich Ames who said, “The betrayal of trust carries a heavy taboo”. I have written on the need not to entrust this protest on the leadership of a Trade Organization in an article titled Nigeria: An Opportunity to Redress. Let me now get back on track.
I think all progressive elements in our nation need to arise now and make government understand that political legitimacy behooves it on the opposition to trail the blazer of protest against structures or policies that are unprogressive and torturing to the masses of our country. We are so used to having government buy off opposition with contracts and or appointments in the past. For once after the Awolowo era in the 80s, it is obvious that we now have a viable and virile opposition rallying Nigerians together for this very necessary stand off with a government that has become averse to our well-being. For the first time in a long while we have a challenge of their absolute hedonistic tendencies that puts their pleasure above national interests, and they are now crying foul. Who said it was wrong for some lost-out political opposition to campaign against a policy that is massively condemned by the people? Aren’t these opposition elements Nigerians? Don’t they have the right to protest against a government that is capricious to say the least? I still cannot explain how Jonathan got his recent narcissist energy from.
The proclivity of government in Nigeria to always explain their utter failure in leadership content as subterfuge is very resentful to some of us. Let it said loud and clear that Nigerians are no longer oblivious of the stratagem to cleverly blame the opposition for their rudderless approach to governance. For once I am beginning to see a practical dictatorship in a democracy. I have read about it but not until now I see an elected government in a democratic dispensation single handedly bypass the legislative arm to unilaterally evolve a policy into law. It is shameful and reprehensible of Goodluck Jonathan to claim he is a democratic by any standard of the word. I am not surprised or outwitted though, since the route to his presidency was by flagrant imposition on the Nigerian people.
Equally disturbing is the call of the masses for the Church based initiatives to intervene since they have a divine mandate (so assumed) to defend the rights of the down trodden in the society. I get frustrated that the Nigerian masses still have any iota of trust on these bands of rogues whose trade is the same act of banditry as the government. The difference is simply the platform upon which the blind stealing is done. Government elements deplete the treasury while the Charlatans steal their congregation blue, black and brown. How do you explain their ostentatious showiness with their loquacious verbiage of preaching hope to the poor while the rich is empowered and encouraged to further the acts of exploiting the masses. “Thou shalt do more exploits” is the sermon to the rich while “Keep casting your bread on the waters” is the message to the poor.
Have you ever taught about the beleaguered attitude of the government of late and juxtapose it with the sneaky acerbity with which Hirelings in the church make demands for offerings? A cogent consideration will convince you of a profound similarity in purpose but mere difference in style and approach. I really do not care about style and approach as much as the intent of purpose. The purpose is simply to strip the people naked, powered by a desire for self and grandeur in total disregard for the welfare and inviolability of their subjects, which in this case is same.
The government approach to the issue of fuel subsidy removal is first a disinformation, as against what many people assume to be misinformation. We were not misinformed! We were vaguely disinformed with the motive to further their greed and avarice. That is exactly the style in many of the so called churches all over the place. They simply twist the scriptures to propagate doctrines of absoluteness in regard to the senior pastor at the expense of the congregants. I will give a practical example.
Mr. Apple earns N80,000 as a take home every month, and attends a church down the road. He is married with 2 children and has an apartment (flat) of N10,000 a month in Lagos. Mr. A is been taught aggressively on tithe and offerings as sacrosanct to his belief and sanctity. So at the end of the month, he pays N8,000 as tithe, N10,000 for rent and N30,000 for a modest feeding. Car and house maintenance plus school fees and other commitments takes another N30,000. Self maintenance and other expenses will take another N20,000. See where the whole equation becomes a grand design to either teach Mr A. the acts of stealing (corruption) or completely frustrates him to do the unexpected. The church after taking a tithe of N8,000 still wants him to drop offerings every week when he is in church. Actually, the teachings on offerings these days are more affirmative on definition than on the will. It is now being taught that one’s offerings should exceed one’s tithe, and you are expected to do this every Sunday the people gather. Mr Apple at this point needs another N34,000 if he decides to go to heaven and do the bidding of the great man of God by giving N8,500 a week as offering. This guy has a bill of about N132,000 a month to grapple with.
I promise you Mr. Apple will hear a new message next Sunday on “Bringing down God’s blessings in the time famine”. Isn’t that catchy enough to bring him and others back?
The above is the same exact thing Nigerian government is doing to Nigerians? They struggle to pay N18,000/month and ask you to come to work five (5) days a week between 8.00am and 3.30pm. Expectedly, transport will cost you over half of your pay and if you dare eat lunch at work you are doomed. How much more can life be made more difficult and excruciating? My beef is that most Nigerians are pressed on every side beyond redemption. They are burdened beyond measure and above strength so much that most despair even of life. They carry a sentence of death and condemnation around by the government and the church. Who will deliver Nigerians from all of these people who are infernally against us and still claim they are for us.
Let it be made crystal clear that the expectation of the masses for their religious leaders to come out and speak for them in this case is a wish for the dead to rise from the grave. I know a few of the rich church leaders have come out to say something that looks like they are for the people. Let you and I not be deceived by their face-saving rhetoric of support. It is a grandstanding against a foreseeable revolt that will vanquish them in their business into posterity.
Who is fooling whom?
You must realize that the failed Nigerian state is what it is now because of the corruption that has entrenched itself in the psyche of our religious leaders who have not only failed the nation but God also. A recent scenario that played out between Oyedepo and the young lady that was slapped reveal to a large extent how an average Nigerian that is not in their league is viewed and estimated. The hardworking Nigerians are only worth a slap that can be defended even after a public outcry of condemnation. It is a tale of “do your worst” that is encompassed in a state of mind of absolute power that corrupts absolutely. Isn’t it the same thing GEJ is doing now?
Nigerians should not only be occupying government institutions and ensure that NLC/TUC betrayal is moot but we should be ready to occupy all locations that symbolizes our oppression and denial for a modest life. We should be ‘decabalizing’ the cabals, and send a clear message to the government that they will need to buy all Nigerians to keep the status quo.
Who says government is more powerful than the people?
Contact me at nigardgroup@yahoo.com