Tuesday, September 24

Ogun Assembly Seat: John Obafemi Wins at Court of Appeal

The Appeal Court of the Federal Republic sitting in Ibadan and headed by Justice Gana Mishelia, on Friday set aside the judgment of the Electoral Petitions Tribunal held in Abeokuta and upheld the victory of

Honorable John Obafemi as the winner of the Remo North Constituency seat at the Ogun State House of Assembly in April 2011 election.

The appeal court granted the appeal of Honourable John Obafemi filed by his Counsel, Prof. Taiwo Osipitan and Co. against the judgment of the Electoral Petitions Tribunal, Chaired by Ms. Elizabeth Karatu on the 9th of November 2011, which was in favor of the PDP candidate, Mr. Samuel Oshinmade, saying that he polled majority of the lawful votes after the cancellation of the results of Ward 8 in the Local Government area.

The appellant thereafter appealed that the Elizabeth Karatu’s judgment was not given in fairness and truth, that facts behind the judgment were not true and as such not valid. Prof. Taiwo Osipitan & Co. therefore on behalf of their client, Hon John Obafemi, pleaded the Appeal Court to reverse the judgement in favour of Hon. John Obafemi as the winner of the Assembly Seat for Remo North Constituency.


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