Saturday, September 28

Open Letter: Questions for Governor Fashola Over Deportations

On 24th July 2013, The Governor of Lagos State, deported about 70 Igbos (not minding their states of origin)

to Upper Iweka, Onitsha, Anambra State. Their reason was that, these Igbos were destitute(s), drug addicts, and mentally challenged people. In the face of the above, could His Excellency Governor of Lagos State, Fashola, answer the following questions?


Make public the correspondence between Lagos State government and Anambra State Government, regard the return/repatriation of “these citizens”. Governor Fashola claimed there was an understanding between the two states as regards the above.

  1. Could Lagos State Government make public, evidences that these people were “destitute(s), drug addicts, and mentally challenged people as alleged?
  2. Could Lagos State Government, explain their action, with respect to Section 41, of the Nigerian 1999 Constitution, that says “Every citizen of Nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout Nigeria and to reside in any part thereof, and no citizen of Nigeria shall be expelled from Nigeria or refused entry thereby or exit therefrom”
  3. Why deport/dump these people by 3am in the morning, a very unholy hour.
  4. Could Lagos State Governor explain, if he has deported, any Yoruba (from other states), Hausa, Ijaw etc.
  5. Could Governor Fashola, explain why he has chosen to open the wounds of the Biafran war, by following the paths of those that drove Igbos away from their regions before, and during the war.



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