Sunday, September 22

TCN Warns, Alerts Police over TUC’s Ill-advised Ultimatum on Electricity

By Dele Ogbodo

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), has warned and alerted the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) over subterranean document emanating from the Trade Union Congress ((TUC)

in social media domain with captioned ‘Nigeria Risks Blackout As TUC’s Ultimatum Expires Today’ which could cause break down of peace, law and order.

In a statement made available to SHARPEDGENEWS Online on Saturday, TCN, said it’s attention has been drawn to a document emanating from the Trade Union Congress (TUC) being circulated in the social media, captioned ‘Nigeria Risks Blackout As TUC’s Ultimatum Expires Today”.

Mrs. Ndidi Mbah, Spokesperson for TCN, in a statement noted that issues for which the TUC has ill-advisedly declared an industrial action are already subject to a Court Action before the National Industrial Court Abuja Division, in Suit No. NICN/ABJ/121/19, which processes have already been served the TUC.

The matter, according her has become sub judice and TCN is constrained, by respect for the Courts, to refrain from divulging further details, except to enjoin the Parties to this pending action – the TUC and the Senior Staff Association of Electricity and Allied Company (SSAEAC), to show utmost respect to the hallowed institution of the Court by maintaining the status quo.

She said: “Nigeria is a country governed by laws and what the parties should do when their matter is before a Court of law is to ventilate their grievances in the Courtroom.

“TUC and SSAEAC are lawful organizations and having been served with the processes in the aforementioned suit, TCN believes that TUC should honourably and respectfully act within the ambits of the Rule of Law, by calling off or suspending the planned Industrial Action, whilst submitting themselves to the Court jurisdiction.”

By this notification and information, she said, TCN is also drawing the attention of Police authorities to the aforementioned and hereby invite them to take proactive measures to forestall any breach of public peace or breakdown of law and order, in the unlikely event that TUC insists on proceeding with its planned actions.

“TCN added that by this publication it has put the TUC on Notice that should they decide to continue on this unlawful path, they certainly would be held responsible for any breakdown of law and order or any untoward occurrences that may result.” She said.

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