Monday, September 23

US Department Rates Nigeria Poor in Fight against Financial Crimes

The United States government has once again put Nigeria on top of its money laundering, financial crimes and corruption list based on the weak law enforcement, weak judiciary and political interference from powerful people in the country.

According to the 2012 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report released by the United States Department, Nigeria was placed in the high risk category and tagged under countries or jurisdiction of primary concern.

According to the report, of 639 prosecutions between October 1, 2010 to September 2011, only 73 convictions were recorded.

“Weak law enforcement and justice sector issues have hindered the progress of and thwarted many prosecutions and investigations. Nigeria remains a major drug trans-shipment point and a significant centre for criminal financial activity.

“Individuals, criminals and terrorist organizations take advantage of the country’s location, porous borders, weak laws, corruption, lack of enforcement, and poor socio-economic conditions to launder the proceeds of crime.

The proceeds of illicit drugs in Nigeria derive largely from foreign criminal activity rather than domestic activities” The report noted.

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